Page 3 - Ovarian Cancer Surgery - Quality Indicators-Summary
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Each quality indicator has a description which specifies what the indicator is measuring. The measurability
specifications are then detailled. The latter highlight how the indicator will actually be measured in practice
to allow audits. In this regard, the timeframe for assessment of criteria is the last calendar year. Further to
measurement of the indicator, a target is indicated. This dictates the level which each unit/center should be
aiming to achieve against each indicator. When appropriate, two or three targets were defined: an optimal target,
expressing the best possible option for patients, a minimal target, expressing the minimal requirement when
practical feasibility factors are taken into account, and intermediate target if necessary. Targets were based on
evidence whenever available, on the personal experience or database of development group members, on expert
consensus, and on feedback from the physicians external reviewers. They may have to be modified in the future.

The philosophy behind the project is to improve the average standard of surgical care by providing a set of quality
criteria which can be used for self-assessment, for institutional quality assurance programs, for governmental
quality assessment, and eventually to build a network of certified centres for ovarian cancer surgery. The mindset
is not punitive but incentive. Certified centers can make the award known from doctors, patients, patient
advocacy groups and lay persons. On the contrary, the targets defined by the workgroup can absolutely not be
used to penalize or litigate doctors or institutions.

• ADVANCED (STAGE III-IV) OVARIAN CANCER SURGERY - QUALITY INDICATORS •                                              3
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